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Petroleum Geology
Course overview
The course will focus on integrating a solid understanding of geological processes with basic knowledge of the industry tools scopes, applicability and limitations that rule exploration workflows and finally determine success and failures.

The course is designed for

  • Professionals (engineers, economists) of oil companies, institutions, support or simply understand geologists involved in oil and gas exploration projects

  • Geologists, geophysicists and reservoir engineers who want to learn the methodology for applying sequence stratigraphy to correlation, facies analysis and delineation of stratigraphic traps

Course outline

Petroleum Geology

Geological time
Rock types
Sedimentary basins
Plate tectonics
Source rocks
Traps and seals

Rock deformation
Hydrocarbons origin and generation
Source rocks and petroleum provinces
Subsurface fluids and hydrocarbon mobility
Traps, trapping mechanisms and trap effectiveness


Gravity and magnetic surveying
2D & 3D seismic
Field valuation


Drilling basics
Drilling, casing and completing a well
Sampling and testing

Investigation tools

Land surveys
Electric logs
Gravity and magnetics
Data and data acquisition and management

Ayman Nabil


Fundamentals of Oil and Gas Exploration and Production
Course overview 

The course provides a comprehensive overview of the oil and gas exploration and production industry from a historical, current and future perspective for both non-technical and technical staff. The principles of exploration, development and production will be covered and complemented by what is happening in the industry and what the future holds. The full lifecycle of exploration to product delivery will be covered.

The course is designed for

  • Professionals who need to learn about the industry

  • Personnel within the industry

  • Technical support staff entering the industry

  • Technical staff who want to expand their understanding of the industry

  • Students considering the industry as a career


Course outline

Field development and production

Field development planning
Economic analysis
Development drilling
Facilities and production

The big picture


Health, Safety and Environment

Health considerations
Safety considerations
Environmental considerations


Alternatives to oil and gas
Carbon capture and storage 
(CO2 sequestration)

The role of oil and gas in society

The nature of oil and gas
Uses for oil and gas


Ayman Nabil

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